Our Philosophy
Hi. This is Andrea Hill, owner of Hill Management Group. I want to share with you why I started MentorWerx.
I'll start by sharing that I wouldn't be where I am, or who I am, without mentors. And I've been blessed with amazing mentors since early on. My parents taught me to value critical thinking, differences of opinion, and a lifelong love of learning. Mrs. Boland, my third grade teacher, was more than a teacher to me. She mentored me — showed me who I could become in a way nobody else had done before. Kathleen Kelleher mentored me as a musician, and Father Hartz understood me when nobody else did. My first business mentor, Vinnie Federico, showed me how to balance being tough with being empathetic. My leadership mentor, Carol Kloster, was utterly direct with me. She was dedicated to helping me become successful, and she didn't hesitate to give difficult feedback and challenge me to be better. Throughout my career, I have sought out mentors and sometimes mentors have found me. Some mentors were there to teach me how to be a better person, and others to teach me how to understand a particular process or industry. To my great luck and deep appreciation, I have found people to be incredibly receptive.
We all need mentors; contributors to our personal and professional development. If we're lucky, we end up with a stable of mentors, a cheering section of people who want us to be successful and pitch in to make it so.
During the years I was running corporations and had many employees, I was able to spend a lot of time mentoring. I think that was my favorite part of corporate CEOing - because mentoring others is very rewarding, and it allows me to pay it forward. But once I opened my consulting agency, I quickly discovered that what I needed to charge to earn a living, and what most entrepreneurs could afford to pay to get advice, were pretty different. I toyed around with taking on a mentor-ee or two at a time, but it was never enough. That's when it occurred to me that I could take the things I teach at the consulting level, and make them available at a much more affordable price for people who need the same information, but don't have the budget. And that's why I started MentorWerx.
MentorWerx isn't my primary business, so it's a pertual work-in-process. We're always adding new content. Sometimes it's free, sometimes it's for a fee, but it will always value-priced. Of course, value-priced is sort of subjective, I know! Like my strategy course. When I go into a corporation and guide them through my proprietary strategic process, it costs a minimum of $8,000. But I offer it as an online class for $499. Expensive, yes, but not as expensive as the in-person services would be. I also try to make myself as available as possible to individual entrepreneurs. You can always email me, at
So, why do I do this? Because I'm grateful. Because I'm at an age where I figure I have some information of value to share. And because I believe whole-heartedly in small business and small business owners. Small business is the lifeblood of our economy. It provides opportunities to balance life and work in ways that most corporate jobs cannot or do not. And small business owners often need help in the areas of their business that are outside their core expertise.
Now that you know a little more about the philosophy behind MentorWerx, I hope you'll stick around and check out the services on the site. My invitation to make suggestions is also quite sincere. Like we said on the home page - come on in! Stay a while. I'm glad you're here.
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